
feminino | Modal : no | may | might | can | could | shall | should | will | would | must | ought to

Conjugación del verbo inglés CAN EXTERIORIZE

Verbo regular: exteriorize - exteriorized - exteriorized


Forma simple
I can exteriorize
you can exteriorize
he can exteriorize
we can exteriorize
you can exteriorize
they can exteriorize
Forma con V-ing
I can be exteriorizing
you can be exteriorizing
he can be exteriorizing
we can be exteriorizing
you can be exteriorizing
they can be exteriorizing
I can have exteriorized
you can have exteriorized
he can have exteriorized
we can have exteriorized
you can have exteriorized
they can have exteriorized
Perfecto con V-ing
I can have been exteriorizing
you can have been exteriorizing
he can have been exteriorizing
we can have been exteriorizing
you can have been exteriorizing
they can have been exteriorizing


Forma simple
I cannot exteriorize
you cannot exteriorize
he cannot exteriorize
we cannot exteriorize
you cannot exteriorize
they cannot exteriorize
Forma con V-ing
I cannot be exteriorizing
you cannot be exteriorizing
he cannot be exteriorizing
we cannot be exteriorizing
you cannot be exteriorizing
they cannot be exteriorizing
I cannot have exteriorized
you cannot have exteriorized
he cannot have exteriorized
we cannot have exteriorized
you cannot have exteriorized
they cannot have exteriorized
Perfecto con V-ing
I cannot have been exteriorizing
you cannot have been exteriorizing
he cannot have been exteriorizing
we cannot have been exteriorizing
you cannot have been exteriorizing
they cannot have been exteriorizing

Forma interrogativa

Forma simple
can I exteriorize?
can you exteriorize?
can he exteriorize?
can we exteriorize?
can you exteriorize?
can they exteriorize?
Forma con V-ing
can I be exteriorizing?
can you be exteriorizing?
can he be exteriorizing?
can we be exteriorizing?
can you be exteriorizing?
can they be exteriorizing?
can I have exteriorized?
can you have exteriorized?
can he have exteriorized?
can we have exteriorized?
can you have exteriorized?
can they have exteriorized?
Perfecto con V-ing
can I have been exteriorizing?
can you have been exteriorizing?
can he have been exteriorizing?
can we have been exteriorizing?
can you have been exteriorizing?
can they have been exteriorizing?

Forma interro-negativa

Forma simple
can I not exteriorize?
can you not exteriorize?
can he not exteriorize?
can we not exteriorize?
can you not exteriorize?
can they not exteriorize?
Forma con V-ing
can I not be exteriorizing?
can you not be exteriorizing?
can he not be exteriorizing?
can we not be exteriorizing?
can you not be exteriorizing?
can they not be exteriorizing?
can I not have exteriorized?
can you not have exteriorized?
can he not have exteriorized?
can we not have exteriorized?
can you not have exteriorized?
can they not have exteriorized?
Perfecto con V-ing
can I not have been exteriorizing?
can you not have been exteriorizing?
can he not have been exteriorizing?
can we not have been exteriorizing?
can you not have been exteriorizing?
can they not have been exteriorizing?