
Otra forma sin el ? | eliminar la negación | feminino | sin contracción
Modal : no | may | might | can | could | shall | should | will | would | must | ought to

Conjugación del verbo inglés TO GERMINATE

Verbo regular: germinate - germinated - germinated


don't I germinate?
don't you germinate?
doesn't he germinate?
don't we germinate?
don't you germinate?
don't they germinate?
Presente continuo
am I not germinating?
aren't you germinating?
isn't he germinating?
aren't we germinating?
aren't you germinating?
aren't they germinating?
didn't I germinate?
didn't you germinate?
didn't he germinate?
didn't we germinate?
didn't you germinate?
didn't they germinate?
Pretérito continuo
wasn't I germinating?
weren't you germinating?
wasn't he germinating?
weren't we germinating?
weren't you germinating?
weren't they germinating?
Presente perfecto
haven't I germinated?
haven't you germinated?
hasn't he germinated?
haven't we germinated?
haven't you germinated?
haven't they germinated?
Presente perfecto continuo
haven't I been germinating?
haven't you been germinating?
hasn't he been germinating?
haven't we been germinating?
haven't you been germinating?
haven't they been germinating?
hadn't I germinated?
hadn't you germinated?
hadn't he germinated?
hadn't we germinated?
hadn't you germinated?
hadn't they germinated?
Pluscuamperfecto continuo
hadn't I been germinating?
hadn't you been germinating?
hadn't he been germinating?
hadn't we been germinating?
hadn't you been germinating?
hadn't they been germinating?
Futuro simple
won't I germinate?
won't you germinate?
won't he germinate?
won't we germinate?
won't you germinate?
won't they germinate?
Futuro continuo
won't I be germinating?
won't you be germinating?
won't he be germinating?
won't we be germinating?
won't you be germinating?
won't they be germinating?
Futuro perfecto
won't I have germinated?
won't you have germinated?
won't he have germinated?
won't we have germinated?
won't you have germinated?
won't they have germinated?
Futuro perfecto contínuo
won't I have been germinating?
won't you have been germinating?
won't he have been germinating?
won't we have been germinating?
won't you have been germinating?
won't they have been germinating?


wouldn't I germinate?
wouldn't you germinate?
wouldn't he germinate?
wouldn't we germinate?
wouldn't you germinate?
wouldn't they germinate?
Presente continuo
wouldn't I be germinating?
wouldn't you be germinating?
wouldn't he be germinating?
wouldn't we be germinating?
wouldn't you be germinating?
wouldn't they be germinating?
wouldn't I have germinated?
wouldn't you have germinated?
wouldn't he have germinated?
wouldn't we have germinated?
wouldn't you have germinated?
wouldn't they have germinated?
Passado continuo
wouldn't I have been germinating?
wouldn't you have been germinating?
wouldn't he have been germinating?
wouldn't we have been germinating?
wouldn't you have been germinating?
wouldn't they have been germinating?




to germinate

