
feminino | Modal : no | may | might | can | could | shall | should | will | would | must | ought to

Conjugación del verbo inglés WOULD SECRETE SECRETE

Verbo regular: secrete secrete - secrete secreted - secrete secreted

!Atención, este verbo puede no existir, se da como ejemplo la conjugación.


Forma simple
I'd secrete secrete
you'd secrete secrete
he'd secrete secrete
we'd secrete secrete
you'd secrete secrete
they'd secrete secrete
Forma con V-ing
I'd be secrete secreting
you'd be secrete secreting
he'd be secrete secreting
we'd be secrete secreting
you'd be secrete secreting
they'd be secrete secreting
I would've secrete secreted
you would've secrete secreted
he would've secrete secreted
we would've secrete secreted
you would've secrete secreted
they would've secrete secreted
Perfecto con V-ing
I would've been secrete secreting
you would've been secrete secreting
he would've been secrete secreting
we would've been secrete secreting
you would've been secrete secreting
they would've been secrete secreting


Forma simple
I wouldn't secrete secrete
you wouldn't secrete secrete
he wouldn't secrete secrete
we wouldn't secrete secrete
you wouldn't secrete secrete
they wouldn't secrete secrete
Forma con V-ing
I wouldn't be secrete secreting
you wouldn't be secrete secreting
he wouldn't be secrete secreting
we wouldn't be secrete secreting
you wouldn't be secrete secreting
they wouldn't be secrete secreting
I wouldn't have secrete secreted
you wouldn't have secrete secreted
he wouldn't have secrete secreted
we wouldn't have secrete secreted
you wouldn't have secrete secreted
they wouldn't have secrete secreted
Perfecto con V-ing
I wouldn't have been secrete secreting
you wouldn't have been secrete secreting
he wouldn't have been secrete secreting
we wouldn't have been secrete secreting
you wouldn't have been secrete secreting
they wouldn't have been secrete secreting

Forma interrogativa

Forma simple
would I secrete secrete?
would you secrete secrete?
would he secrete secrete?
would we secrete secrete?
would you secrete secrete?
would they secrete secrete?
Forma con V-ing
would I be secrete secreting?
would you be secrete secreting?
would he be secrete secreting?
would we be secrete secreting?
would you be secrete secreting?
would they be secrete secreting?
would I have secrete secreted?
would you have secrete secreted?
would he have secrete secreted?
would we have secrete secreted?
would you have secrete secreted?
would they have secrete secreted?
Perfecto con V-ing
would I have been secrete secreting?
would you have been secrete secreting?
would he have been secrete secreting?
would we have been secrete secreting?
would you have been secrete secreting?
would they have been secrete secreting?

Forma interro-negativa

Forma simple
wouldn't I secrete secrete?
wouldn't you secrete secrete?
wouldn't he secrete secrete?
wouldn't we secrete secrete?
wouldn't you secrete secrete?
wouldn't they secrete secrete?
Forma con V-ing
wouldn't I be secrete secreting?
wouldn't you be secrete secreting?
wouldn't he be secrete secreting?
wouldn't we be secrete secreting?
wouldn't you be secrete secreting?
wouldn't they be secrete secreting?
wouldn't I have secrete secreted?
wouldn't you have secrete secreted?
wouldn't he have secrete secreted?
wouldn't we have secrete secreted?
wouldn't you have secrete secreted?
wouldn't they have secrete secreted?
Perfecto con V-ing
wouldn't I have been secrete secreting?
wouldn't you have been secrete secreting?
wouldn't he have been secrete secreting?
wouldn't we have been secrete secreting?
wouldn't you have been secrete secreting?
wouldn't they have been secrete secreting?