
féminin | Modal : aucun | may | might | can | could | shall | should | will | would | must | ought to

Conjugaison du verbe anglais MIGHT CRAWL CRAWL

Verbe régulier : crawl crawl - crawl crawled - crawl crawled

!Attention, ce verbe peut ne pas exister, la conjugaison est donnée à titre d'exemple.


Forme simple
I might crawl crawl
you might crawl crawl
he might crawl crawl
we might crawl crawl
you might crawl crawl
they might crawl crawl
Forme en V-ing
I might be crawl crawling
you might be crawl crawling
he might be crawl crawling
we might be crawl crawling
you might be crawl crawling
they might be crawl crawling
I might have crawl crawled
you might have crawl crawled
he might have crawl crawled
we might have crawl crawled
you might have crawl crawled
they might have crawl crawled
Perfect en V-ing
I might have been crawl crawling
you might have been crawl crawling
he might have been crawl crawling
we might have been crawl crawling
you might have been crawl crawling
they might have been crawl crawling


Forme simple
I might not crawl crawl
you might not crawl crawl
he might not crawl crawl
we might not crawl crawl
you might not crawl crawl
they might not crawl crawl
Forme en V-ing
I might not be crawl crawling
you might not be crawl crawling
he might not be crawl crawling
we might not be crawl crawling
you might not be crawl crawling
they might not be crawl crawling
I might not have crawl crawled
you might not have crawl crawled
he might not have crawl crawled
we might not have crawl crawled
you might not have crawl crawled
they might not have crawl crawled
Perfect en V-ing
I might not have been crawl crawling
you might not have been crawl crawling
he might not have been crawl crawling
we might not have been crawl crawling
you might not have been crawl crawling
they might not have been crawl crawling

Forme interrogative

Forme simple
might I crawl crawl?
might you crawl crawl?
might he crawl crawl?
might we crawl crawl?
might you crawl crawl?
might they crawl crawl?
Forme en V-ing
might I be crawl crawling?
might you be crawl crawling?
might he be crawl crawling?
might we be crawl crawling?
might you be crawl crawling?
might they be crawl crawling?
might I have crawl crawled?
might you have crawl crawled?
might he have crawl crawled?
might we have crawl crawled?
might you have crawl crawled?
might they have crawl crawled?
Perfect en V-ing
might I have been crawl crawling?
might you have been crawl crawling?
might he have been crawl crawling?
might we have been crawl crawling?
might you have been crawl crawling?
might they have been crawl crawling?

Forme interro-négative

Forme simple
might I not crawl crawl?
might you not crawl crawl?
might he not crawl crawl?
might we not crawl crawl?
might you not crawl crawl?
might they not crawl crawl?
Forme en V-ing
might I not be crawl crawling?
might you not be crawl crawling?
might he not be crawl crawling?
might we not be crawl crawling?
might you not be crawl crawling?
might they not be crawl crawling?
might I not have crawl crawled?
might you not have crawl crawled?
might he not have crawl crawled?
might we not have crawl crawled?
might you not have crawl crawled?
might they not have crawl crawled?
Perfect en V-ing
might I not have been crawl crawling?
might you not have been crawl crawling?
might he not have been crawl crawling?
might we not have been crawl crawling?
might you not have been crawl crawling?
might they not have been crawl crawling?