
feminino | Modal : não | may | might | can | could | shall | should | will | would | must | ought to

Conjugação do verbo inglês CAN BURGLE

Verbo regular: burgle - burgled - burgled


Forma simple
I can burgle
you can burgle
he can burgle
we can burgle
you can burgle
they can burgle
Forma com V-ing
I can be burgling
you can be burgling
he can be burgling
we can be burgling
you can be burgling
they can be burgling
I can have burgled
you can have burgled
he can have burgled
we can have burgled
you can have burgled
they can have burgled
Perfeito com V-ing
I can have been burgling
you can have been burgling
he can have been burgling
we can have been burgling
you can have been burgling
they can have been burgling


Forma simple
I can't burgle
you can't burgle
he can't burgle
we can't burgle
you can't burgle
they can't burgle
Forma com V-ing
I can't be burgling
you can't be burgling
he can't be burgling
we can't be burgling
you can't be burgling
they can't be burgling
I can't have burgled
you can't have burgled
he can't have burgled
we can't have burgled
you can't have burgled
they can't have burgled
Perfeito com V-ing
I can't have been burgling
you can't have been burgling
he can't have been burgling
we can't have been burgling
you can't have been burgling
they can't have been burgling

Forma interrogativa

Forma simple
can I burgle?
can you burgle?
can he burgle?
can we burgle?
can you burgle?
can they burgle?
Forma com V-ing
can I be burgling?
can you be burgling?
can he be burgling?
can we be burgling?
can you be burgling?
can they be burgling?
can I have burgled?
can you have burgled?
can he have burgled?
can we have burgled?
can you have burgled?
can they have burgled?
Perfeito com V-ing
can I have been burgling?
can you have been burgling?
can he have been burgling?
can we have been burgling?
can you have been burgling?
can they have been burgling?

Forma interro-Negação

Forma simple
can't I burgle?
can't you burgle?
can't he burgle?
can't we burgle?
can't you burgle?
can't they burgle?
Forma com V-ing
can't I be burgling?
can't you be burgling?
can't he be burgling?
can't we be burgling?
can't you be burgling?
can't they be burgling?
can't I have burgled?
can't you have burgled?
can't he have burgled?
can't we have burgled?
can't you have burgled?
can't they have burgled?
Perfeito com V-ing
can't I have been burgling?
can't you have been burgling?
can't he have been burgling?
can't we have been burgling?
can't you have been burgling?
can't they have been burgling?