
maschio | Modal : no | may | might | can | could | shall | should | will | would | must | ought to

Coniugazione del verbo inglese WOULD LACERATE

Verbo regolare: lacerate - lacerated - lacerated


Forma semplice
I would lacerate
you would lacerate
she would lacerate
we would lacerate
you would lacerate
they would lacerate
Forma con V-ing
I would be lacerating
you would be lacerating
she would be lacerating
we would be lacerating
you would be lacerating
they would be lacerating
I would have lacerated
you would have lacerated
she would have lacerated
we would have lacerated
you would have lacerated
they would have lacerated
Perfetto con V-ing
I would have been lacerating
you would have been lacerating
she would have been lacerating
we would have been lacerating
you would have been lacerating
they would have been lacerating


Forma semplice
I would not lacerate
you would not lacerate
she would not lacerate
we would not lacerate
you would not lacerate
they would not lacerate
Forma con V-ing
I would not be lacerating
you would not be lacerating
she would not be lacerating
we would not be lacerating
you would not be lacerating
they would not be lacerating
I would not have lacerated
you would not have lacerated
she would not have lacerated
we would not have lacerated
you would not have lacerated
they would not have lacerated
Perfetto con V-ing
I would not have been lacerating
you would not have been lacerating
she would not have been lacerating
we would not have been lacerating
you would not have been lacerating
they would not have been lacerating

Forma interrogativa

Forma semplice
would I lacerate?
would you lacerate?
would she lacerate?
would we lacerate?
would you lacerate?
would they lacerate?
Forma con V-ing
would I be lacerating?
would you be lacerating?
would she be lacerating?
would we be lacerating?
would you be lacerating?
would they be lacerating?
would I have lacerated?
would you have lacerated?
would she have lacerated?
would we have lacerated?
would you have lacerated?
would they have lacerated?
Perfetto con V-ing
would I have been lacerating?
would you have been lacerating?
would she have been lacerating?
would we have been lacerating?
would you have been lacerating?
would they have been lacerating?

Forma interro-negativa

Forma semplice
would I not lacerate?
would you not lacerate?
would she not lacerate?
would we not lacerate?
would you not lacerate?
would they not lacerate?
Forma con V-ing
would I not be lacerating?
would you not be lacerating?
would she not be lacerating?
would we not be lacerating?
would you not be lacerating?
would they not be lacerating?
would I not have lacerated?
would you not have lacerated?
would she not have lacerated?
would we not have lacerated?
would you not have lacerated?
would they not have lacerated?
Perfetto con V-ing
would I not have been lacerating?
would you not have been lacerating?
would she not have been lacerating?
would we not have been lacerating?
would you not have been lacerating?
would they not have been lacerating?